CGI Animated Short HD: “The Last Train” by The Animation Hub

This is a great little short trailer by the Animation HUB. The Animation Hub is collaboration between staff and students of the Irish School of Animation (ISA) at Ballyfermot College of Further Education (BCFE), staff and students of Trinity College’s Graphics, Vision and Visualisation Group (GV2) and the recently established animation studio Giant Creative, set up by BCFE graduates.

The aim of the scheme is to combine the skills and talents of students from both institutions and have them work with an animation studio in Dublin to create an high quality animated short film that would give the students the chance to experience working on a high-end project in a professional environment.

Directed by Giant Creative (
Trinity College Project Manager Carol O Sullivan (
Ballyfermot College Project Manager Gareth Lee (
Technical Consultant Shane Whelan
Music by Epic Soul Factory
BCFE Students Mark Fisher Owen Maloney
TCD Students Kenneth Ryall Amy Davidson

‘The Animation Hub’ (
The Irish School of Animation (,
Ballyfermot College (

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